
1. I
he has a wife and five children to support у него на иждивении жена и пятеро детей
2. III
1) support smb., smth. support a candidate (the leader, the president, one another, the new government, a policy, a resolution, a claim, etc.) поддерживать кандидата и т.д., оказывать кандидату и т.д. поддержку; who supports his candidacy? кто выскажется в пользу его кандидатуры?; support a cause (the good name of a school, etc.) бороться за /поддерживать/ идею и т.д.; what supported him was hope (his courage, a clear conscience, your approval, etc.) его поддерживала /ему помогала/ надежда и т.д.; which side /team/ do you support? ты за какую команду болеешь?
2) support smb., smth. support one's family (his parents. his aged mother, an institution, an establishment, etc.) обеспечивать /содержать/ свою семью и т.д.;, support oneself зарабатывать себе на жизнь /содержать себя/; air, food and drink are necessary to support life для поддержания жизни необходимы воздух, пища и вода
3) support smth. support a theory (an argument, a claim, a statement, a principle, etc.) подтверждать /подкреплять/ теорию и т.д.; his discovery supported my suspicions то, что ему удалось обнаружить, подтвердило мои подозрения /догадки/; leading doctors supported his testimony его показания подтвердили /поддержали/ ведущие доктора
4) support smth., smb. support the house (the walls, a column, etc.) подпирать /поддерживать/ дом и т.д., what is supporting the roof? на чем держится /на что опирается/ крыша?; the foundations support the building здание стоит на фундаменте; two policemen supported him его поддерживали два полицейских; you support the bottom of the box while I lift the top держи ящик за дно, а я подниму крышку
5) support smth., smb. support a load (heavy lorries, pressure, much strain. etc.) выдерживать груз и т.д.; that chair will not support a heavy person под тяжелым человеком тот стул развалится; that bridge isn't strong enough to support so much weight этот мост недостаточно крепок, чтобы выдержать такую тяжесть
6) support smth. usually in the negative with can; support fatigue (strain, life, etc.) выдерживать усталость и т.д.; I can support such insolence no longer, I can't support such impudence any longer я не могу больше терпеть такого нахальства /такой наглости/
3. IV
1) support smth., smb. in some manner support smth., smb. loyally (steadfastly, warmly, heartily, enthusiastically. vigorously, continually, financially, etc.) верно и т.д. поддерживать что-л., кого-л.
2) support smth. in some manner support smth. theoretically (adequately, etc.) подтверждать /подкреплять/ что-л. теоретически и т.д.
4. XI
1) be supported by smb. be supported by the army (by the officers, by the clergy, by all, by the mayor, etc.) иметь поддержку /пользоваться поддержкой/ армии и т.д.; I was supported by him both materially and spiritually он поддерживал меня и материально и морально
2) be supported by smb., smth. she is supported by her son (by parents, by relatives. by charity, etc.) ее содержит сын и т.д.; the hospital (the university, the church, etc.) is supported by the public (by voluntary contributions, by the government, by subscription, etc.) больница и т.д. существует на средства, собранные общественностью и т.д.; be supported from smth. students are supported from special funds (from government grants, etc.) студентов содержат за счет специальных фондов и т.д.
3) be supported by smth. be supported by proofs (by facts, by good authority. by evidence from..., by a good conscience, etc.) подкрепляться /подтверждаться/ доказательствами и т.д., основываться на доказательствах и т.д.
4) be supported this branch needs to be supported эту ветвь надо подпереть /подвязать/, для этой ветви нужна подпорка; he was ill and had to be supported as he walked home ему было плохо и пришлось поддерживать его, когда он шел домой; be supported by smth. the gallery (the roof, the wall, etc.) is supported by pillars галерея и т.д. держится на колоннах; be supported on smth. the house is supported on piles дом стоит на сваях
5. XXI1
1) support smb. in smth. support you in your efforts (him in the ordeal, us in trouble, etc.) поддерживать вас в ваших усилиях и т.д.; support smth. with smth. support a statement with his authority поддерживать заявление своем авторитетом
2) support smb., smth. on smth. support a family on that wage (herself on her musical talents, hospitals on voluntary subscriptions, etc.) содержать семью на такую зарплату и т.д.
3) support smb., smth. with /by/ smth. support her with my arm (oneself with a stick, a pier by chains, etc.) поддерживать ее рукой и т.д.; support smth. on smth. support one's chin on one's hand подпереть подбородок рукой; Atlas supports the sky on his shoulders Атлас держит небеса на своих плечах
4) support smth. without smb. usually in the negative she couldn't support life without friends она не могла жить без друзей

English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "support" в других словарях:

  • support — [ sypɔr ] n. m. • 1466; de 1. supporter 1 ♦ Vx Le fait, l action de supporter, d aider. ⇒ soutien. ♢ Le fait de subir. « Le support des imperfections d autrui » (Fénelon). ⇒ 1. supporter. 2 ♦ (XVIe) Mod. Ce qui supporte; ce sur quoi une chose… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Support — Sup*port , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Supported}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Supporting}.] [F. supporter, L. supportare to carry on, to convey, in LL., to support, sustain; sub under + portare to carry. See {Port} demeanor.] 1. To bear by being under; to keep… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • support — sup·port 1 vt 1 a: to promote the interests or cause of b: to uphold or defend as valid or right c: to argue or vote for 2: to provide with substantiation or corroboration support an alibi 3: to provide with the means …   Law dictionary

  • Support — may refer to the following:* Sympathy, emotional support; * Technical support (a.k.a tech support) in computer hardware, software or electronic goods; * Support (mathematics), a kind of subset of the domain of a function; * Support (measure… …   Wikipedia

  • support — vb 1 Support, sustain, prop, bolster, buttress, brace are comparable when they mean to hold up either literally or figuratively, though they vary greatly in their specific senses and in the range of their applicability. Support suggests the… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • support — [sə pôrt′] vt. [ME supporten < MFr supporter < LL(Ec) supportare, to endure, bear < L, to carry, bring to a place < sub ,SUB + portare, to carry: see PORT3] 1. a) to carry or bear the weight of; keep from falling, slipping or sinking; …   English World dictionary

  • support — [n1] something that holds up structure abutment, agency, back, backing, base, bed, bedding, block, brace, buttress, collar, column, cornerstone, device, flotation, foothold, footing, foundation, fulcrum, groundwork, guide, hold, lining, means,… …   New thesaurus

  • support — Support. s. m. Aide, appuy, soustien, protection. Ce fils est le support de sa vieillesse, de sa famille. je n ay point d autre support au monde que cet ami. servir de support à quelqu un. il a des amis. il n est pas sans support. il a le support …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Support — Sup*port , n. [F.] 1. The act, state, or operation of supporting, upholding, or sustaining. [1913 Webster] 2. That which upholds, sustains, or keeps from falling, as a prop, a pillar, or a foundation of any kind. [1913 Webster] 3. That which… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Support — (Anglizismus v. engl. support [səˈpɔːɹt] = „die Unterstützung“; to support = „unterstützen“) steht für: Support (Dienstleistung), problemorientierte Beratungstätigkeiten Vorgruppe einer (bekannteren) Musikband bei einem Live Auftritt Träger… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • support — qu on fait à aucun, Fauor, Suffragatio. Avoir du support, Avoir des amis, Amicitiis propinquitatibusque subleuari ac sustentari. Bud. Support et appuy d une race, Columen familiae. Support et appuy de quelque chose, Adminiculum …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

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